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Elevator Accident Lawyer Manhattan

Elevator Accident Lawyer In Manhattan

Accident Lawyer ManhattanIn Manhattan, there are elevators in nearly every store, building, and public transport station. Elevators help people to move from one level to another with ease, and most of these machines are able to do so efficiently. However, sometimes, their mechanics do not function properly and an elevator accident results. Due to the force of impact that can occur in these accidents, the injuries are often traumatic and severe.

At Oddo & Babat our team of Manhattan elevator accident lawyers aim to protect the rights of elevator accident victims, whether the injuries they have sustained are relatively minor or are objectively severe. We’ve successfully recovered damages for men, women, and children who tragically sustained injuries while riding in, or working on, elevators. We understand that these accidents can not only cause physical pain, but also be extremely traumatic. PTSD, anxiety, and fear are some of the mental outcomes that can result and last for many months or years. Apart from the medical care that injured victims might need, therapy or psychological treatment is usually required. The financial costs associated with all of the medical care can be exorbitant, and when you’re unable to work, you may be overwhelmed and confused about what you should do. Thankfully, working with an experienced Manhattan elevator accident lawyer can help.

Did you know that most elevator accidents happen because of negligence? Poor maintenance, defective parts, or insufficient warnings can lead to injuries or deaths. Before you assume that there is nothing you can do after an elevator accident, please contact a Manhattan elevator accident lawyer for guidance.

Experience Matters

As you look for the right lawyer, you might notice there are many different options available. Like medical doctors, there are different lawyers for different kinds of cases. When it comes to an accident involving an elevator, you will almost certainly benefit from having a Manhattan elevator accident lawyer on your side. Elevator accident cases can involve complicated issues and various defending parties – each of which might have ample resources and large legal budgets. The right lawyer can make sure your rights and interests are protected to their fullest potential.

How We Will Handle Your Case

When you choose a Manhattan elevator accident lawyer from our experienced team, we may:

  • Review all of the factors of your case
  • Determine what happened, who is to blame, and what the extent of the injuries may be
  • Seek out and question any potential witnesses
  • Review the police report
  • Investigate the scene and the elevator
  • Reach out to expert witnesses for advice
  • Communicate with the insurance company and defense
  • Assist in helping you to find medical care while you wait for a settlement

We will try to handle as much of the legal “heavy lifting” as possible so that you can remain focused on recovering from your injuries. Please rest assured that our goal is to recover maximum damages for your:

  • Current and future medical treatment
  • Lost wages and loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Therapy or counseling
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • + More

Compensation for an Elevator Accident in New York

Injuries sustained in an elevator accident are usually very serious and may include head trauma, multiple broken bones, severe bruising, and internal damage. The medical expenses may become more overwhelming over time and may ultimately have a significant impact on your livelihood, financial wellbeing, job, and family. In some cases, a death may have resulted from the elevator accident in question. In this situation, family members may be faced with a loss of vital income in addition to emotional distress and funeral costs. If you have been affected by an elevator accident involving yourself or a loved one who was lost, damages associated with the following kinds of harm may be available:

  • Medical care
  • Ongoing medical care
  • Psychological distress
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • + More

Every elevator accident case is different. Please consider connecting with an experienced Manhattan elevator accident lawyer today in order to explore your legal options and obtain any and all financial compensation you may be entitled to.

Elevator Accident Cases – The Basics

If you or someone close to you has been injured in an elevator accident, or if a loved one has tragically died because of one, it may be in your best interest to discuss your situation with an elevator accident lawyer Manhattan trusts who is licensed to practice in the state the accident occurred.

Elevators are occasional to an integral part of many peoples’ lives. While they make life easier and more convenient most of the time, for a variety of reasons, they, unfortunately, can cause mild to catastrophic injuries to their passengers, as well as to people who are near them when things go wrong.

Thankfully, elevator accidents are rare. But if you should get hurt in an elevator accident, you need to know who might be responsible from a legal standpoint. There are several entities that could potentially be liable for an elevator’s faulty condition.

Although there may be one or more party that is liable for expenses related to an elevator accident victim’s injuries, the one person who is definitely not responsible for this is the accident victim themselves.

When someone is injured as the result of another person’s (or peoples’) negligence, the innocent victim may be entitled to compensation that an elevator accident lawyer in Manhattan can help you to obtain.

When it comes to elevator accidents, oftentimes there is more than one person or party who may be responsible for not preventing an accident.

The Building Owner or Manager

In general, a building owner, or in some cases a manager, must use reasonable care when maintaining their elevators and allowing them to operate. Failure to adhere to this duty could result in them being found negligent for their shortcomings in ownership or management.

For example, an elevator must be maintained and examined on a regular basis. If the owner or manager of a building fails to follow the maintenance scheduled, they can be found negligent when an accident occurs.

Furthermore, a qualified maintenance company should be used. If it is found that a general maintenance person, without the right qualifications, repaired a broken elevator and it failed to perform right afterward, an elevator accident lawyer will likely pursue the owner of the building. Other reasons a building owner may be held liable for an elevator accident include:

    • The elevator was broken and the building owner failed to repair it.
    • The building owner did not take the broken elevator out of service.
    • The elevator was making loud noises and shuddering, but was ignored.

Maintenance Companies

Many building owners will hire outside contractors to repair or maintain an elevator. These contractors can be held responsible for an accident if their careless or reckless actions contributed to the incident.

All elevators have maintenance schedules. For example, if the maintenance company forgets to oil the cables and a cable breaks because of a lack of lubrication, it is a strong case for negligence on part of the elevator maintenance company. Likewise, if the maintenance company fixed the elevator cables, but failed to secure them causing the cable to slip, they could be liable.

The Manufacturer or Seller

A manufacturer of an elevator has a legal responsibility to provide quality products, that will last beyond their warranty. If an elevator accident lawyer believes the manufacturer or seller to be liable, it may be a product liability case. In this circumstance, the manufacturer of the elevator and/or parts and components, the wholesaler, distributor, and retailer could be found liable.

Why You Should Contact an Elevator Accident Lawyer Manhattan Turns To

If you were injured in an elevator accident, you may have the right to pursue legal compensation. To learn about your legal rights and options, please call an elevator lawyer from, Oddo & Babat, today.

What Kinds of Accidents Can a Manhattan Elevator Accident Lawyer Help You With?

While many people safely use elevators on a daily basis many people still get nervous when they think of scary accidents that can occur, such as getting trapped in an elevator or being in an elevator whose cable snaps and plummets to the ground floor. While there are real dangers of this happening, there are many other ways that people get injured from elevators.

Elevator accident injuries can happen when there are malfunctions in an elevator’s operations.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Doors shutting too forcefully and do not spring away from a body or an object that is blocking them from closing
  • Freefall (like) drops
  • Entrapments
  • Electrocutions
  • Trip and falls when the elevator does not align with the floor it has stopped at
  • Slip and falls or trip and falls from elevators not being routinely cleaned and maintained
  • Psychological trauma from an elevator accident

If you or someone you love has suffered because of an elevator accident, discussing your situation with a reliable elevator accident lawyer in Manhattan may help you to understand what your rights are and how a lawyer may be able to help you to protect them.

Seeking Compensation for an Elevator Accident

When someone has been in an elevator accident, there is a good chance that even if they have their own health insurance, the accident will cause a significant amount of financial drain on their and their family’s lives. A Manhattan elevator accident lawyer may be able to help to protect your rights by helping you to seek the compensation you are entitled to.

For a compassionate elevator accident lawyer Manhattan trusts with a track record of successfully defending the rights of accident victims for many years experience, contact Oddo & Babat today.

Get Free Consultation

If you or someone you care about has been seriously injured as a result
of an accident or negligence, we can help.

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